Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science dealing with construction technology and techniques for building environment Friendly dwellings which are in harmony with nature, surrounding environment, cosmic energy, gravitational forces, electromagnetic waves and the universe. Vastu is the reflection of love and affection between a man and his above. From symbols like swastik and omkar flows the cultural affinity which in turn creates development.
In the same manner the vibration energy levels created by these conches serve in enhancing the functional efficiency of human body and mind through a type of ‘Ato-Suggetion’. Vastu Shastra gives fruition to these ideas by using different entities like soil, stone, mortal, water, fire and direction to provide a harmonically balanced living environment for thee human beings. A broader perspective is used these days and vastu is studied extensively in correlation with other as Yogahastra, Tantra and Mantra.